World Ethical Data Foundation

The World Ethical Data Foundation Team Booth


Issues as unclear, significant, and universal as those around data and knowledge technologies are no place for demagoguery but of balanced and collaborative democratic effort by people and institutions of all perspectives, traditions, and cultures. 

From our research and human rights related projects to our interviews and the flagship World Ethical Data Forum, we are at work both to facilitate better understanding and collaboration and to develop more effective ways for understanding and collaboration to occur.  

If you wish to find out more about any of our projects please feel invited to visit our website, message us here, or set up a more personal meeting with any one of our team members, as we'd love to tell you more about our work.

Additionally, as ethical and technical questions are by their very nature never straightforward, the World Ethical Data Foundation is available for consulting to assist decision making in areas such as data, cybersecurity, cryptography, blockchain technologies, research and development, civil liberties, political policy, and more.  Please do contact us to find out more if this is relevant to you and your organisation.

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